
Bull / Bear
Call level
Effective Gearing
Maturity (YYYY-MM-DD)
Entitlement Ratio
Last Updated: (15 minutes delayed)
Real Time Quote
Effective Gearing
Bid (Delayed*):
Ask (Delayed*):
Prev. Close:
Volume: K
*Bid Ask data is delayed 15 minutes minimum
Bull / Bear
Call level
Effective Gearing
Effective Gearing
Maturity (YYYY-MM-DD)
Entitlement Ratio
Outstanding Qty %
Outstanding Qty (M)
Issue Size
Premium (%)
Breakeven Point
Board Lot
Last Trading Day (YYYY-MM-DD)
Funding Cost
Funding Cost (%p.a)
Last Updated:
Last Updated: (15 minutes delayed)
Technical Chart

Product Price
Last Updated: (15 minutes delayed)

Stock Volatility Chart

Volatility data provided b HKEX
Last Updated:


Underlying Price
Maturity (YYYY-MM-DD)
Bull / Bear
Entitlement Ratio
Call level
Outstanding Qty (%)
Effective Gearing (x)
Board Lot
Last Updated: (15 minutes delayed)
CBBC Calculator
Input Underlying Price

Input Days to Maturity (Days)
Expected Underlying Price
Change (%)

The calculator is only an auxiliary tool and aims to demonstrate the impact of different market factor changes on warrant price to investors, and should not be used as an indication of the performance of the warrant. The calculator uses the assumptions provided by you to calculate the theoretical price of the warrant based on its own calculation model, without considering the real market conditions (including actual supply and demand), so the calculated results can only be used for reference. It does not constitute an invitation, an offer, a solicitation of an offer, or any advice or recommendation to conclude or participate in any transaction, and is not considered to provide investment advice or to make any speculation on the market price, and does not necessarily reflect the theoretical price of or the trading price willing to be offered by the relevant liquidity providers or other market participants. In particular, for short-term certificates, out-of-the-money warrants, warrants with higher outstanding quantities or warrants with very low theoretical price (i.e. close to HK$0.01), the deviation between the calculated warrant prices and the actual situation may appear to be more significant. Users of the calculator should never rely on the data estimated by the calculator for any investment decision. This page makes no representation on the calculation model used by Goldman Sachs in market activities. Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs or its affiliates or any data provider makes no express or implied warranties for information on this page, and bears no responsibilities to anyone for any interruption, inaccuracy, error or omission, or any subsequent loss, caused by any reason.

The calculator is only an auxiliary tool and aims to demonstrate the impact of different market factor changes on CBBC price to investors, and should not be used as an indication of the performance of the CBBC. The calculator uses the assumptions provided by you to calculate the theoretical price of the CBBC based on its own calculation model, without considering the real market conditions (including actual supply and demand), so the calculated results can only be used for reference. It does not constitute an invitation, an offer, a solicitation of an offer, or any advice or recommendation to conclude or participate in any transaction, and is not considered to provide investment advice or to make any speculation on the market price, and does not necessarily reflect the theoretical price of or the trading price willing to be offered by the relevant liquidity providers or other market participants. In particular, for short-term certificates, out-of-the-money CBBCs, CBBCs with higher outstanding quantities or CBBCs with very low theoretical price (i.e. close to HK$0.01), the deviation between the calculated CBBC prices and the actual situation may appear to be more significant. Users of the calculator should never rely on the data estimated by the calculator for any investment decision. This page makes no representation on the calculation model used by Goldman Sachs in market activities. Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs or its affiliates or any data provider makes no express or implied CBBCies for information on this page, and bears no responsibilities to anyone for any interruption, inaccuracy, error or omission, or any subsequent loss, caused by any reason.

CBBCs issued by GS will show effective gearing adjusted by delta. CBBCs issued by other issuers will assume delta equal to 1 (for bulls) and -1 (for bears) to calculate gearing.

Liquidity Provider Activity

Outstanding Quantity / Liquidity Provider Activity

Last Close
Last Close
Bought (M)
Sold (M)
Quantity (M)
Quantity (%)
Last Updated: (15 minutes delayed)

CBBC Outstanding Quantity Chart

Last Updated: (15 minutes delayed)

Related Warrants and CBBCs


Code Strike Maturity Effective
Gearing (x)
Qty (%)


Code Call Level Maturity Gearing (x) Outstanding
Qty (%)
Last Updated: (15 minutes delayed)

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